database-internalsMeaning of ACIDWe all know that guarantees provided by Transactions are often describe by the well-known acronym ACID, which stands for Atomicity…
database-internalsPartitioning in databases Part 3This post is a continuation to the post at Database Partitioning - 2, and will be mainly focused on Strategies for partition re-balancing…
partitioningPartitioning in databases part 2This is a continuation to the post at Database Partitioning - 1, which relied on key-value data model. If the records were always accessed…
partitioningPartitioning in databases part 1Generally in databases Replication ensures that availability is achieved. But this is not always the case, there are production systems…
database-internalsB - TreesLet’s talk about B-Trees, LSM Trees are gaining acceptance in the NoSQL realm, but they are not the most common type of index which is used…
database-internalsLSM treesThis post talks about the internals of sorted segment tables and log segment trees. Background A Database Management System is a software…
database-internalsNoSQL vs SQLRelational Databases are persistence software where Data is stored in terms of relations. For Example, let’s take an Employee of an…